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【六小时英字完整版.九集合并】【纪录片.探索频道.埃及未解之谜.Egypt's.Unexplained.Files.S01.2019】古埃及的金字塔、庙宇、陵墓仍然迷雾重重。活人献祭,食人之谜,鳄鱼女王和图坦卡蒙的诅咒,防盗墓的古代技术,考古学家借助最新的科学仪器,试图破解埃及的未解之谜。全9集,①食人之谜②鳄鱼女王③图坦卡蒙④盗墓贼⑤尖叫木乃伊⑥寻找纳芙蒂蒂⑦太阳神的失落之城⑧拉美西斯的禁宫⑨尼罗河末日Egypts Unexplained Files: Series 1Despite being one of the most studied civilizations, rich in history, culture, science and art, much of Ancient Egypt remains a great mystery. Many modern-day customs and technologies have their roots in Ancient Egypt, yet the details about their way of life remain a mystery. In a new Science Channel series, Egypts Unexplained Files, experts dive deep into the secrets of Ancient Egypt, and use cutting-edge archaeological technology to reveal the hidden truths that could potentially answer questions that have befuddled Egyptologists for generations.#英语# 英语 #微博纪录片联盟# 猛犸君侯的微博视频
时长 / 381:38 来源 / 微博 发布时间 / 2020-08-26