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图像采集卡:看最新技术发展如何应对速度、数据容量和图像预处理日益增长的要求 (V164CN)

[视频作者] Euresys-Marcom
[视频时长] 38:11
#采集卡,机器视觉,Machine Vision,图像采集,Euresys,Frame Grabber,Image Acquisition,视觉系统设计#
[视频类型] 计算机技术
This webinar, led by Euresys, will focus on the role of frame grabbers and their latest capabilities, as well as how state-of-the-art vision standards can be leveraged to optimize video stream processing and integrate machine vision applications. In this
图像采集卡:看最新技术发展如何应对速度、数据容量和图像预处理日益增长的要求 (V164CN)
以下链接为影音视频“图像采集卡:看最新技术发展如何应对速度、数据容量和图像预处理日益增长的要求 (V164CN)”在线访问地址,点击链接就可以访问查看啦