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【2019成都世界警察和消防员运动会开幕式】 2019成都世警会主题歌《欢乐与荣耀》 演唱:成龙、谭维维 Joy and Glory Performed by: Jackie Chan, Sitar Tan 欢乐荣耀, Joy, Glory 欢乐荣耀, Joy, Glory 欢乐荣耀, Joy, G

[视频作者] 成都公安
[视频时长] 04:50
【2019成都世界警察和消防员运动会开幕式】 2019成都世警会主题歌《欢乐与荣耀》 演唱:成龙、谭维维 Joy and Glory Performed by: Jackie Chan, Sitar Tan 欢乐荣耀, Joy, Glory 欢乐荣耀, Joy, Glory 欢乐荣耀, Joy, Glory 欢乐荣耀, Joy, Glory 欢乐与我们在一道, Joy is with us 天府露出迷人的微笑。 The Land of Abundance emanates a charming smile 荣耀与我们在一道, Glory is with us 竞赛场上争分夺秒。 In the arena every second counts 欢乐与我们在一道, Joy is with us 憨憨的熊猫尽情舞蹈。 The lovable giant pandas are dancing with gaiety 荣耀与我们在一道, Glory is with us 闪光的勋章用青春铸造。 Shiny medals are forged with the vigor of youth 守望万家灯火, To safeguard the peace of countless homes 呵护江山多娇。 And to protect this fabulous world 警察与消防员手拉手, Police officers and firefighters are hand in hand 追梦的路上我们并肩奔跑。 On the road to our dreams ahead 欢乐与荣耀,今夜激情燃烧, Joy and Glory, may passion ignite tonight 欢乐与荣耀,成都和世界拥抱。 Joy and Glory, Chengdu and the world embrace 同一份使命,神圣而光荣, We share one duty, sacred and honorable 同一个梦想,未来无限美好,未来无限美好。 We share one dream, an immensely beautiful future, an immensely beautiful future.
以下链接为影音视频“【2019成都世界警察和消防员运动会开幕式】 2019成都世警会主题歌《欢乐与荣耀》 演唱:成龙、谭维维 Joy and Glory Performed by: Jackie Chan, Sitar Tan 欢乐荣耀, Joy, Glory 欢乐荣耀, Joy, Glory 欢乐荣耀, Joy, G”在线访问地址,点击链接就可以访问查看啦