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斯美塔那《浮士德博士》JB 1:85 Doktor Faust

[视频作者] kaladona
[视频时长] 4:18
#斯美塔那,浮士德,斯美塔纳,浮士德博士,doktor faust,smetana,Theodore Kuchar,雅纳切克爱乐乐团#
[视频类型] 演奏
https://youtu.be/lf5AgEoP_-E A short, innovative and beautiful work of the romantic era by the Czech composer Bedřich Smetana (1824-1884) on the legend of Faust. Introduction, Allegro non troppo - 00:00 Canon, Andante - 0:49 Theme 3, Allegro vivace - 2:5
斯美塔那《浮士德博士》JB 1:85 Doktor Faust
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