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刘福洋/王亚彬舞剧《射雕英雄传》首演谢幕 | LiuFuYang | The Legend of the Condor Heroes

[视频作者] 喜洋洋87
[视频时长] 3:13
[视频类型] 舞蹈综合
LiuFuYang/WangYaBin| Curtain Call of Dance Drama " The Legend of the Condor Heroes" LiuFuYang plays the role of Guo jing (郭靖)| WangYaBin plays the role of Huang Rong (黄蓉) 刘福洋饰演郭靖,王亚彬饰演黄蓉 LiuFuYang: China super dancing star, National first-class dancer, c
刘福洋/王亚彬舞剧《射雕英雄传》首演谢幕 | LiuFuYang | The Legend of the Condor Heroes
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